
The length of your stay in Finland impacts your taxation status.

Before coming to Finland

Check with your local IRS office or a qualified U.S. tax accountant well before your departure, and ask them about all of the particulars relevant to Fulbright grants.

Please see the following IRS’ tax instructions:

Taxation in Finland

  • For individual tax advice specific to your personal situation, please contact VERO. Your individual tax situation encompasses, for example, possible salary, different grants, and other income you may receive during your time in Finland. You can receive advising services in English by phone from the VERO or by visiting its offices. Please find contact details below.
  • On occasion, the American Citizen's Services Unit at the American Embassy in Helsinki has a tax consultant information session. 
  • You may also talk to the alumni of the program about their taxation experience, but please keep in mind that taxation situations are usually individual and cannot necessarily be compared with each other.

Please note that the grantee is responsible for handling their taxation.


Tax service in English for specific international tax situations: 

- Calling from Finland, Tel. 029 497 024 
- Calling abroad, Tel. +358 29 497 024 
- You can also visit the local tax office in your host town in Finland. Contact city-specific .

Reporting Your Grant to the Finnish Tax Authority

Your grant is paid for by the , from a bank account in Finland. An exception to this is the Fulbright-EDUFI Fellows whose grant is paid by their host institution in Finland as well as the Specialist, SUSI, and Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching program grantees, whose grants are paid by the U.S. Department of State. 

In Finland, the grant payer is responsible for informing the Finnish tax authority about grants it has paid. Thus, if your grant is paid by the , the ion reports your total monthly stipends and payment years (based on the actual amount received/stated on your “Grant Authorization” sent to you by the ion for grant acceptance), plus travel and residence permit allowance (total amount for you and your dependents’ residence permits paid by the ion) to VERO.

The does not inform the U.S. authorities of your grants. If needed, you can use the “ Grant Authorization" for the tax authorities in the U.S.

Keep Receipts for Any Expenses That May Be Tax-Deductible

Lecturers and researchers should be careful to keep receipts for any expenses that may be tax-deductible, including those for postage, travel, hotels, restaurants, and equipment modifications. Graduate students are usually less able to recover these expenses.