Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving Study Tour delegate members

Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving

Finnish Higher Education Experts USA Study Tour 2012

March 25th - 30th, 2012
Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia

Delegation from Finnish higher education institutions searched for best-practices in alumni cooperation, fundraising and donor relations. Specifically, participants visited institutions in the state of Virginia and in Maryland to discuss alumni affairs and alumni cooperation, fundraising and donor relations. The group learned about the American system from expert speakers and through direct observations at private and public universities. The seminar focused on comparing U.S. as well as current and emerging Finnish strategies in the area and identifying possible applications of the American practice to the Finnish system. There were 13 members in the delegation.

2012 Study Tour
Read the  (PDF).


Participants travelled to Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia for a five-day higher education leadership seminar. The program consisted of a day-long introductory workshop in Washington, DC, and fours site visits to public and private universities (one in Maryland and three in Virginia), and two debriefing meetings.

2012 Study Tour members at Embassy, Megan Neff
Finnish Higher Education Experts USA Study Tour 2012 delegation members

Links Related to the Study Tour

Current discussion

 Institutional Giving

Alumni Relations

International Alumni Relations

 The College of William & Mary

University of Maryland

University of Richmond

Virginia Commonwealth University

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